P.O. BOX 197
Updated 2/07/25
The next regular township public meetings will be held on Monday March 3, 2025.
Public Meetings are held the first Monday of each month (unless a federal holiday, then second Monday) at the Kempton Fire Company:
7:30 PM - Board of Supervisors
7:30 PM - Environmental Advisory Council
7:30 PM - Recreation Board
8:00 PM - Planning Commission​
PUBLIC NOTICE: Albany Township has received 2 applications to have lands included in the township Agricultural Security Area.
Click the links for more information on these premises:
42 & 130 Roth Road, Kempton, PA 19529
253 Quaker City Road, Kempton, PA 19529
For more information on Agricultural Security Areas, see www.berkspa.gov/departments/agriculture/asa
No tax change (0.6 mills)
Albany Township 2023 Audit Public Notice
​Albany Township 2023 Audit and Financial Report
Adopted at the August 5, 2024 Board of Supervisors public meeting:
Resolution 2024-5: To Permit and Regulate Public Comment at Public Meetings
Albany Township does not have office hours at the Maintenance Building for the Board of Supervisors or the Township Secretary. Please contact the Township Secretary via email: albtwp@ptd.net for any and all township correspondence. Also please submit all Right To Know requests to the Township Secretary via the email above or submit them in person at our regularly scheduled monthly meetings.
Zoning Officer Robin Royer's sitting hours: 5:00 - 6:30 PM every 2nd Thursday of each month at the Township Municipal Building. PLEASE CALL AHEAD TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. Robin can be reached Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM at 610-987-9290 or 888-987-8886 (toll free) or email rroyer@ltlconsultants.com. Click here for more information on Zoning.
The Environmental Advisory Council has prepared two documents highlighting key conservation recommendations. Please check them out for some great suggestions and resources:
2022 PA Municipalities Pension Trust Act 44 Disclosure Form
Have you observed a township roadway hazard or pavement damage situation?
To report, contact Roadmaster Ryan Rex at (484) 332-0791.